Every Donation Counts
First Love Tv is committed to making the world a little better. We strive to create opportunities for children around the world. Your donations are used to create better living conditions in lives of those who need your help.
To Make a Donation Please Fill Out Form
Vehicle Donations
Fast, Free Pickup
Your car donation can be picked up within 24 hours, and often even the same day.
Save Money On Your Taxes
If your car sells for more than $500 your receipt will be for the sale price. Otherwise you claim the fair market value of the car, up to $500.
You Help Kids
Your donation supports the youth and educational programs of national nonprofit FirstLove TV.
How it works
- Donate your car using the online form or call our donation specialists at 1-877-527-7454 .
- We’ll call you today to arrange a convenient pickup time for your car donation.
- You receive a tax receipt and vacation voucher.
Donating is that easy. No paperwork, no headache, zero cost.
Real Estate Donations
What you can donate:
You can donate land, donate a house, vacant lots, commercial buildings, industrial properties, apartment buildings condos, mobile homes, or any other type of property.
Donate your real estate for a federal
charitable tax deduction.
- Simple and streamlined process
- Save time and money managing an unwanted property
- Support education with your donation
- Eliminate or diminish your capital gains tax liability
Tell us about your property
The more information you can give us, the quicker we can process your donation. Some of the information we’ll need are the property address and owner, type of property and square footage.
We do a standard property review
We will run a standard review on the property, including title search, tax and lien search and environmental violations search to determine if the charity can accept your property.
We take care of all the paperwork
We’ll send the closing documents to you or your lawyer to sign. We will take care of the deed transfer and recording, notifying all necessary state and municipality authorities to complete the transfer. We will take over all taxes and insurance responsibilities, and send you a tax-deductible receipt.